Why IEE?

The total primary energy demand in Egypt in 2008 amounts to 70.3 Million toe. Fossil fuels represent 95% with almost an equal share between fuel oil and natural gas. Renewable energy (hydro and wind) represents only 3% whereas biomass represents 2%.  Studies have shown that the Egyptian energy sector will face a 15% gap in supply by the year 2022 which needs to be overcome either by introducing other energy sources or importing additional amounts of fossil fuels or by undertaking an aggressive national program to reduce the energy demand through energy efficiency and best utilization of available resources.

Egyptian industry is responsible for approximately 43% of national energy consumption and 33% of national electricity consumption (IEA, 2013). Overall industry related emissions account for 29% of the total emissions in 2005 and expected to increase their relative share to 36% by 2030 (McKinsey 2010).

The final energy consumption per unit of output in the most important industries of Egypt is typically 10 to 50% higher than the international average. Therefore, increased energy efficiency in Egyptian industry has the potential to make a significant contribution to meeting the growing energy supply challenges facing the country.