The IEE Project is designed to provide support to all stakeholders that are involved in the energy supply chain for the industrial sector (excluding national power plants and the national grid). The project tackles the following: (1) Government support, (2) Awareness raising, (3) Capacity building, (4) Financing and (5) Implementation of energy efficiency projects in factories.
Component 1: National program to define energy benchmarks and energy efficiency policy
This component seeks to support the development of a national program to implement an ISO energy management standard for industry, including outreach to large energy intensive industries, and also suited to institutional and governmental sectors. The effort leading to adoption of the energy management standard will be led jointly by EEAA and the Egyptian Office of Standardization and Quality (EOS), working in cooperation with the Industrial Development Authority (IDA). EOS will develop the program to recognize companies that implement the standard. EOS will stress how the standard complements existing ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, the widely recognized quality management and environmental management standards. The adoption of ISO 50001 will be through a policy decree from the Prime Minister and the Supreme Council of Energy. IEE
Effort will be made to collect data, monitor, track and benchmark industrial energy use at the national level for all subsectors, and for all factory sizes — micro, small, medium, and large enterprises.
Component 2: Awareness raising on industrial energy efficiency and management in industry
The IEE will collaborate with its stakeholders: EEAA, EOS, IDA and FEI to stimulate demand for energy management and use of ISO 50001 as well as system optimization, by means of a widespread awareness campaigning of the benefits and by means of promoting networking. The central message is to explain why companies should become involved in the national program. The main target group will be decision-makers and management from the entire spectrum of Egyptian industries. The campaign is to address energy management best practices, and also address best practices in benchmarking for energy efficiency and introduce the concept of the “systems approach” to energy efficiency optimization as well as the impact in terms of costs-benefits, efficiency improvement and competitiveness and environmental impacts (such as climate change).
The Project will also collaborate with key industry organizations to form a Peer-to-Peer network for industrial companies to share information related to implementing energy management plans, as well as systems optimization. Moreover, a national campaign to build awareness among manufacturers of all sizes of the benefits of energy management and system optimization will be developed and implemented.
Component 3: Capacity Building for Energy Efficiency Services
This component aims to build local capacity for energy efficiency services on energy management and system optimization, in order to create adequate supply of sufficient and quality EE services that is required for a well-functioning local market of EE consultancy. The IEE provides training through two prominent national training institutions along with the UNIDO international team in coordination with EEAA. These two training institutions will be strengthened during the project and will continue to providing the training after the project completion, and issuing attendance certificates to ensure sustainability of the capacity building efforts. Training will be provided to energy experts, managers and plant engineers and energy managers of both the industrial facilities and their supply chain partners, and equipment vendors.
Local trained energy management experts and system optimization specialists will conduct training to factory managers and technical factory personnel as well as to equipment vendors alongside with the international experts. Some most suitable trained local experts will receive further relevant training to become local trainers in their respective fields, and could work together with the two training institutions in the future.
Component 4: Access to finance for energy efficiency improvement projects
There are many external development partners interested in financing investment of EE projects in Egypt. However, the disbursement rate of the on-going packages has been very slow and many partners are still working on to find out the right time and suitable local partners to launch their loan packages or IEE credit line and measures to improve the disbursement. Therefore, activities within this component seek to improve the disbursement and management of existing and future financial incentive programs for energy efficiency in industry, such as national programs, banks and other lending institutions, and NGO programs. Egypt has a number of functional micro-finance institutions. However, the market penetration of these organizations is Unfortunately quite low. The activities under this component will strengthen these institutions to become involved in energy efficiency-related lending.
Component 5: Implementation of energy management systems and system optimization
This component aims at providing practical training at plant for the local trainees both on EnMS and system optimization, to testing the formulated policies and regulations, and to demonstrating the implementation of the new approaches that will result in direct energy savings, and thus CO2 emissions reduction. Criteria for selecting the companies to participate in the demonstration will be developed during the first year of the project implementation. Criteria will include a facility’s energy intensity (specific energy), potential for energy savings, and replication potential in similar facilities owned by the company, or across the sub-sector.